Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

It's been a while since I've posted anything to this blog. I suppose it doesn't make any difference since no one knows about it yet. You'll just be catching up when you finally do find it.

I have to admit, for the first time in my memory, I have managed to overwhelm myself with my own ideas. I have so many A to Z lists regarding sections of the book, things to include, novel ways to innovate the book format, that I find myself in a self-imposed gridlock. (Just in case you don't know this about me, to generate ideas I take a piece of lined paper and I write the alphabet vertically down the left side of the page. I do these often, 4 or 5 a day, for many different projects. Then I attempt to find one item of whatever topic I'm working on for each letter of the alphabet. You should try it. It makes your planning or brainstorming amazingly effective. As an example, when I list possible topics to include in the book I get...A for architecture, B for businesses, C for creations, D for departments, etc.)

I'm in the process of choosing the items/sections that absolutely must be in the book. I've collected more than enough images for the book and have written numerous paragraphs about many of these topics. I will start uploading most(if not all) of these after I set up the official website for "members" of this "book club." "Members" will get to make suggestions, proofread, edit, etc. I look forward to your insights.

I'm not sure what my deadline is with my publisher, Pediment Publishing/Patriot Press. I do know that we want the finished book in the hands of potential buyers by mid-November. Currently, I believe we can have the website, blog and chat room open through mid-September. Although I can submit parts of the book in advance of the deadline, the entire book must be in the hands of the publisher/printer at least six weeks in advance of the proposed earliest sale date.

Be well, Ron Gagliardi


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